Get your news here, first, about The Ontario Public Health Convention 2011.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


The Ontario Public Health Convention (TOPHC) officially kicks-off on Wednesday, April 6, at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto. This Convention will provide a platform for over 550 public health practitioners –  from Ontario and across the country – to network, identify opportunities for collaboration and to share the latest scientific knowledge and best practices.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all participants in today's pre-convention session on Locally-driven collaborative projects. More than 60 individuals, representing 32 health units, MOHLTC, MHPS, and community and research partners were present.

    The conversation was lively and engaged, with many great ideas coming forward for potential applied research and program evaluation projects.

    This first session launched the identification and prioritization of themes. Watch for the upcoming report on the session, more follow-up on potential topics and projects for your consideration and news about the working group. For more info:
